
The Hero’s Journey & the Life of the Soul
April 17, 24, & May 1 (Tuesdays) 6:30 to 8:30pm

presented by
THE SETON COVE - A Spirituality Center
3708 Crawford Ave, Austin, Texas
please pre-register by calling 512-451-0272
for more information visit

$75 (includes all materials)

Soulful living is a journey that takes a lifetime. Luckily, the way is well known. It has been carefully mapped in hundreds of stories told over thousands of years around tribal fires and village markets. The stories teach us the path, warn us of the perils, and show us the hidden doors. Along the way we find life breathed into our souls, renewal of our humanity, and a clearer ear to the callings of Spirit. All we need is the ability to listen with the ancient understanding of our ancestors.

Come learn the art of listening to traditional wisdom tales. We will explore their teachings on the parts of every human life, such as community, calling, loss, love, and spirit. We will take time to discuss, question, and use them as maps on own journeys. Along the way, we will look for and nurture the hero inside ourselves.